Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Perfectly Broken Conquest

Love goggles: ON.

Clouded judgement.

You don't actually remember what they look like, but you just remember their glow. Their smile. The way their skin felt on your skin. We only see certain parts of them, and those parts are all roses.

Love is addicting, like alcohol and marijuana. It increases our threshold for pain, leading us to believe that things are different than they are.

Why do I easily fall in love? Is it because I can see the goodness in people?
I can see the goodness of a person, and I would I love them. I tend to accept everything that they are, no matter how ugly their soul is.

My friends say my judgement is impaired, and I'm over forgiving. I say they may be right.

My inhibitions are down, and I expose sides of my self that should be kept private at an early stage of dating.

Why do I do this? I don't know. But what I know is that, man is not always evil.
I know that deep down their evilness, there is still a tiny bit of goodness in him. That tiny bit of spark.
That behind the cockiness, rudeness, manipulative behavior, he still hopes for something good.

The ever hopeful me. Hah. This gets me into trouble all the time.

I guess, we all look for someone who we think is the perfect person for us. That perfect date. That perfect night. that perfect kiss.

But why are relationship lines get blurrier than ever?

Why are there more people hooking up and not choose to be committed?

 I guess, it's because “Why buy the cow, when you get the milk free?”

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